2018-2019 Archives
- A listing of Summer CS Courses are now available online: https://ciapps.csuci.edu/ScheduleOfClasses/SubjectDetail/Index/Summer-2019/COMP/Computer-Science.
- Prof. Nick Stern to give the talk, A Novel Foraging Technique for Swarm Robots at 7pm on Wednesday, May 8 at the IEEE Buenaventura Computer Society Chapter Meeting in La Reina High School in Thousand Oaks. Registerhere.
- The 2019 Spring Capstone Showcase will be held on Thursday, May 2 in the Sierra Hall Lobby. More info can be found here: https://compsci.csuci.edu/resources/going-on/ci-capstone-presentations.htm.
- Congratulations to Stephen Berks, Jose Rodriguez and Josh Masci for finishing 1st, 2nd and 3rd, respectively at this year's Programming GURU Competition!Read all about the results.
- The 2019 Computer Guru Contest will be held on Friday, April 26th, from 6pm - 11pmin Sierra Hall Room 1222. All participants receive pizza! Prizes too! Don't miss out!
- Congratulations to Ricky Medrano, Mechatronics Technician, on receiving the 2019 Distinguished Service Award. On behalf of the department, a very big Thank You!
- Prof. Brian Thoms' co-authored paper, "Affordances of Recommender Systems for Disorientation in Large Online Conversations," was published in April's edition of the Journal of Computer Information Systems.
- Investigator Kimo Hildreth to give the talk,Cyber Threatscape: Business Email Compromise (PDF, 187KB) on April 9, 2019 in SIE1422 as part of the Computer Science Seminar Series. Light refreshments will be served.
- Dr. Nathan Botts will give the talk, Leveraging the Blockchain to Increase the Value of Patient Generated Health Data (PDF, 177KB), on April 2, 2019 in SIE 1422.
- Robert Westberg will give the talk,Technical Leadership (PDF, 170KB) on March 12, 2019 in SIE 1422. Supplemental Slides: https://prof.msoltys.com/?p=4521
- Ms. Bahareh Abbasi will give the talk,Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction(PDF, 151KB) on March 8, 2019 at 2:00pm in Broome 2490.
- Dr. Eric Kaltman will give the talk,The Future of Software's Past: Software and Game Preservation Issues, Methods and Pedagogy(PDF, 152KB) on March 8, 2019 at 10:00am in Broome 2490.
- Dr. Vida Vakilian to give the talk,Are You Ready for the Next Generation Wireless Robotics? (PDF, 83KB on March 4, 2019 at 1:00pm in Broome 2490.
- Dr. Scott Feister to give the talk,Tackling Global Challenges Through Scientific Computing(PDF, 82KB) on March 4, 2019 at 10:00am in Broome 2490.
- Dr. Reza Abdolee to give the talk,Cybersecurity in Resource-Constraint Internet-of-Things (IoT) Networks (PDF, 202KB) on March 1, 2019 in Broome 2490.
- Prof. Brian Thoms to present his co-authored paper, Development of a Reading Material Recommender System Based On Design Science Research Approach, at the 52nd Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS52) in Wailea, HI Jan. 8-11.
- Prof. Jason Isaacs to present his co-authored paper, Quantifying Intertidal Zone Species Using Semantic Segmentation, at the IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology ISSPIT 2018 in Louisville, KY on Dec. 6. This work is a collaboration with MSCS graduate Mitali Shah, biology professor Geoffrey Dilly and his Research Assistant, Kaylen Meeker.
- CS Programming Guru Nicole Dubin and Prof. Brian Thoms will present their co-authored paper, Dynamic Visualization of Quality in Online Conversations, at the IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence in Santiago, Chile Dec. 3 - 6.
- The CS / IT Fall Capstone Showcase will be held on Thursday, Nov. 29th from 3pm - 5pm in Sierra Hall Lobby. Come see all the fantastic work of our seniors as they present their projects. More information can be found here.
- Ron McFarland, PhD, will give the talk, "Protecting our Nation's Defense Infrastructure: DoD/DFARS Cybersecurity Compliance," (PDF, 169KB) on Nov. 14 in BTW 2424.
- Frank Lyu will give the talk, "Aftermath in Cybersecurity – An Introduction to Digital Forensic," (PDF, 164KB) on Nov. 7 in BTW 2424.
- Bruce Miller to give the talk, "Breaching security from the inside A look at insider threats and behavior analysis," (PDF, 144KB) on October 10th at 6pm in BTW 2424.
- Prof. Thoms' co-authored paper, "How Design Science Research Helps Improve Learning Efficiency in Online Conversations", to be published in Communications of the Association for Information Systems, v42.
- Amirpasha Javid, Regional Manager from Quanser, will give the talk, "Transformational Labs for Mechatronics Education & Research," (PDF, 1.1MB) on September 25th at 6pm in Sierra Hall 1121.
- Prof. Soltys to give the talk, "How to do Research," on Wednesday, Sept. 12 at 6pm in SIE 2424.
- The Fall MSCS Orientation will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 5 at 6pm in Sage 2030.