Expectations for Students
The Computer Science Program at CSUCI is committed to student success, both academically and professionally. In keeping with this commitment, we have established the following expectations for our students.
- Students are expected to attend all classes and to arrive on time, with all course materials. Excessive absences and lateness will be penalized according to the policies listed in your course syllabus. Students should not assume that their instructor will provide make-up opportunities for tests or quizzes.
- Students are expected to submit all work on time. Late work may be penalized or refused according to the policy stipulated in the course syllabus.
- Students are expected to pay attention, participate actively, and treat their instructor and classmates with respect and courtesy. Cell phones should be turned off before class begins. Disruptive student conduct, such as unnecessary talking, cell phone noise, or using the computers for anything other than course assignments requested by the instructor shall not be tolerated and may lead to removal from class or lowering of your grade.
- Students are expected to use their CSUCI email account whenever possible to communicate with their instructor and check it regularly as instructors may use this means to communicate with the class.
- Students are expected to be academically honest and to refrain from plagiarizing. Plagiarism is a serious offense! Plagiarism defined as copying or receiving materials from a source or sources and submitting this material as one's own without acknowledging the source, or otherwise representing the work of others as your own, is NOT allowed. Your work, should be entirely your own work!
- Students should keep in mind that a minimum grade of "C-" is required in all pre-requisite courses in the major. In order to receive an "A", their work must be excellent, not merely above average. Investing a lot of time and effort is not always synonymous with producing excellent ("A"-level) work.
- We have Computer Science Lab Assistants available to help you. They are not "homework buddies", but are available to assist students in understanding domain-related computer problems. Students are encouraged to take full advantage of this tremendous resource. Check the following URL for their schedule: Lab Assistants
- Students are welcome to use CS labs when they are open and no class is in session. The class schedules are posted on the lab doors. Please note that the limited CS software is also installed on selected computers in the Broome Library #1330 on PCs 20-07 and on Macs.
- Finally please keep in mind that food is NOT allowed in the CS labs.
- The Computer Science Club is the official student club affiliated with Associated Students, Incorporated (ASI) of CSUCI. The goals of the Computer Science Club are to build friendships, establish career contacts, educate ourselves and each other, and of course, have fun! Check their web page: CS Student Club
- Students should keep in mind the importance of cultivating good relationships with their peers. A positive attitude goes a long way to improving these relationships and to improving your academic performance. Think of ways to cultivate these relationships, such as participating in the activities of Computer Science Club, programming competitions, research activities offered through the academic year, actively participating in class, asking questions, showing interest and enthusiasm, etc. Try to contribute something positive to your class each day.
- Lastly, check the official Computer Science website the latest info: CS Web Site.
We ask you to keep these expectations in mind during the semester. We wish you great success in your studies and hope that your experience at CSUCI prepares you for even greater success in the future.